Saturday, February 4, 2012

Summer is Just Around the Corner...

Yes, it is only February... but everyone is already thinking about summer (especially me). It is NEVER too early to start training for your swimsuit bod, so your training should start... NOW! One thing that drives me crazy is when people say "I'll start my diet on Monday" "I'll start working out after the Super Bowl" etc, etc, etc. Why not start TODAY? Pushing off your start date only leads to procrastination, and exercise and nutrition are about complete lifestyle changes! When you truly commit to a healthy lifestyle, you can't just "start on Monday." It takes days, weeks, and months of dedication to healthfully change your body (with a few cheat meals thrown in) so, what are you waiting for? Hop on the healthy train and watch your body transform... you'll be so proud of yourself by the time swimsuit season rolls around :)


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